I had always dreamed of a potting shed. Not just any old shed but one that would be my woman cave. I could go inside when I needed some me time...some breathing space and I could just sit and play in the dirt or just relax and read a book.
I spent a wet weekend tearing down the old shed and ordered a plan off of the internet. Little did I know that this shed would start in June and end in September.
I come from a family of carpenters and I think I carry that gene. I've built a few sheds within the past 10 years. Some from kits, some stick framed. This one though started out as simple but my imagination took over..and in the end became exactly how I envisioned it.
The original plan was a 10' x 10' x 14' high shed. I wanted a tall ceiling as I've seen English potting sheds that almost looked like a church.

Total cost to build my shed was $1500. I used an old window for the side and the large window is only screened but is covered up for the winter months with chipboard that folds down into a table in the potting months.
This is my WOMANCAVE!!